Slit-Scan Recreation: Part 1 – Pre-Production

Slit-Scan is the name of the procedure used to create the famous ‘tunnel effect’ in the title sequence of ‘Doctor Who’.  I am looking to recreate this particular archaic, photographic technique involving the prolonged opening of a camera shutter to produce fascinatingly abstract results.  Aside from it’s now famous usage in ‘Doctor Who’, it was used also on such motion pictures as  Continue reading

‘Stripped for Action’: Doctor Who in Comic Book form

I am considering incorporating a manual illustration procedure into my project.  I recently looked at various Doctor who comics for inspiration, also managing to obtain relevant vintage material like magazines and comic books.  From these I intend to analyse possible art styles and seek creative influences from, perhaps, highly regarded artists such as Dave Gibbons (of Watchmen fame) and John Ridgway (of 2000AD).  This shows there are still many potential areas/avenues left to explore, and impact upon my final product. Continue reading

BBC Radiophonic Workshop – ‘The Alchemists of Sound’

This insightful documentary looks at the history of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop and the evolving processes involved with creating radiophonic music.  It features many in-depth interviews, technique analyses, and reflection upon the the curious niche that was ‘radiophonics’.

Useful Notes (I have analysed the above programme, and have made the following notes) Continue reading

My Project: ‘Doctor Who’ and the concept of self-limitation

Aware of the amount of time and effort I’ll have to invest in my project, I have decided to focus on an area that interested me the most.  As a long standing vintage film and TV enthusiast, I decided to focus on an area still very much relevant to a modern day audience which I could act upon.  I felt creating a piece based around the classic series of doctor who amidst the thriving success of the current series would be highly relevant and full of potential. (particularly when I felt the shows quality of late was under somewhat of a decline) Continue reading